Insights That Grow, Strategies That Flourish

About Mutual Fund

To create long-term wealth for investors and fund subscribers, an asset management company (AMC) pools funds from individual and institutional investors using a mutual fund structure, and then invests those funds in a variety of securities with different risk-return profiles, such as stocks, fixed income securities, and money market instruments, etc.A fund-investor who wants to invest in the underlying securities but lacks the time and resources to conduct investing research or perform due diligence purchases a “Unit” from an open-end mutual fund. The mutual fund asset manager does the necessary investment management and research on behalf of the investor and has the requisite professional credentials and expertise. An investor in a fund has the option to turn in their “Unit” to the asset manager at any moment to withdraw their investment balance.


Invest with confidence, as we strive to grow your wealth through expertise, integrity, and disciplined investment strategies.

Tauhidul Ashraf, FCS
Managing Director

Services We Are Offering

Mutual Fund

A mutual fund is a pool of money managed by a professional Fund Manager. It is a trust that collects money from a number of investors who share a common investment objective and invests the same in equities, bonds, money market instruments and/or other securities.

A mutual-fund advisory program, also known as a mutual fund wrap, is a portfolio of mutual funds that are selected to match a pre-set asset allocation. The investor works with an adviser to develop an asset-allocation strategy that meets the investor’s objectives, investing interests, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Corporate Advisory

HNW and Institutional Portfolio Management

High-net-worth individuals and institutional investors share an exclusive space where they have similar financial goals. One of those goals is to ensure long-term financial stability. In the case of a HNW person, he or she must consider multigenerational needs. Along with this, as an Institutional Portfolio Manager (IPM) we will be responsible for portfolio management, client servicing, and operating as an investment specialist (subject matter expert) able to clearly articulate top-notch investment philosophy, process, and details of each asset class strategy.

Portfolio Diversification

Portfolio Diversification

Diversification continues to optimize risk return balance for the investors.

Economies of scale

Economies of scale

The investor is able to save significantly in transaction costs as he/she has the access to a large number of securities by purchasing a single unit of mutual fund.

Professional Investment Management

Professional Investment Management

Funds are actively managed by experienced investment professionals who make informed investment decisions based on continuous research of the economy, market and companies with a view to limit downside risk and improve the upside potential.

Highly Liquid

Highly Liquid

The most important benefit of investing in a Mutual Fund is that the investor can redeem the units at any point in time. Unlike Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds have flexible withdrawal but factors like exit load should be taken into consideration.

Tax Exemption on the Earnings of Unit Fund

Tax Exemption on the Earnings of Unit Fund

Tax has been exempted from the profit of the unit funds which will enhance the ability to pay out higher dividend.

Tax Rebate Facilities for Investment

Tax Rebate Facilities for Investment

An individual investor can enjoy tax rebate facilities up to the invested amount in mutual fund of BDT 500,000/= (As per income tax act 2023).

Benefits of Investment in Mutual Fund

Benefits of Investment in Mutual Fund


Portfolio diversification

  • Diversification contributes to optimize risk-return balance for the investors as it helps them not to put all the eggs in the same basket.

Economies of scale

  • The investor is able to save significantly in transaction costs as s/he has the access to a large number of securities by purchasing a single unit of mutual fund.

Professional Investment Management

  • Funds are actively managed by experienced investment professionals who make informed investment decisions based on continuous research of the economy, market and companies with a view to limit downside risk and improve the upside potential.

Highly Liquid

  • The most important benefit of investing in a Mutual Fund is that the investor can redeem the units at any point in time. Unlike Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds have flexible withdrawal but factors like exit load should be taken into consideration.

Tax Exemption on the Earnings of Unit Fund

  • As tax has been exempted this year from the income of the unit funds from various sources like interest income, cash dividend etc. the ability of the fund enhanced and eventually we might payout higher dividend for the investor.
  • Dividend up to BDT 25000, every year for each investor is also tax exempted. Therefore, small investors can enjoy tax holiday facilities if they invest in the unit fund.

Tax Rebate Facilities for Investment

  • An investor can enjoy tax rebate facilities up to the invested amount of BDT 500,000.

Major Investors

Major Investors

Our Partners

Trustee & Custodian
Picture 1
Selling Agent

Our Partners

Trustee & Custodian
Picture 1
Selling Agent
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  • Lumsum Calculator

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  • Tax Calculator

  • Tax Calculator

    TAX Calculator


    Maximum allowable tax rebate based on your income to take maximum tax rebate, additionally you must invest for

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Lumsum Calculator

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Tax Calculator

TAX Calculator


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